DomLife newsletter. A web crossroads for the Order of Preachers.
no. 437
March 13, 2025
Encuentro 2025: Preachers of Hope for Times Such as These

Dear Sisters, Associates, and Friends,

The DSC Executive Committee recently gathered in Sparkill, NY, for a productive and inspiring in-person meeting from March 9-12. The Visioning and Planning Committee joined us via Zoom for part of our time together, and our discussions were centered around the much-anticipated DSC 2025 Encuentro!

We are thrilled to share that this special gathering will take place at the Marriott Hotel by the Airport in St. Louis, MO, from October 9-11, 2025. Stay tuned—cost and registration details will be announced soon!

One of the most meaningful moments of our meeting was the selection of the official Encuentro logo, chosen with prayer and deep reflection. This logo will accompany us on our journey as we prepare to come together in faith, connection, and shared mission. We also had the joy of finalizing the 90-Year Collaborative Celebration logo, which beautifully honors our shared history and the legacy of Dominican collaboration.

We invite all sisters, associates, friends, and family to join us in prayer as we embrace this year’s call to be "Preachers of Hope for Times Such as These."

We can’t wait to share more updates as plans unfold. Mark your calendars, and let’s look forward to this incredible time of renewal, community, and celebration in 2025!

With hope and gratitude,
The DSC Executive Committee

Illuminating Hope: The Meaning Behind the DSC 2025 Meeting Logo

The DSC 2025 Meeting Logo is more than just a design—it is a powerful reflection of our unwavering commitment to preaching hope in today’s world. Every element has been carefully crafted to represent our mission, Dominican heritage, and vision for the future.

The Flame and Torch – Representing the guiding light of our preaching, the flame’s red, yellow, and blue hues symbolize passion, wisdom, and the divine spark that fuels our calling. Anchored by the torch, it signifies strength, leadership, and clarity as we boldly move forward in our mission.

The Word "Preachers" – A reminder of our identity as Dominican Preachers, with the flame positioned above it to symbolize that our preaching is ignited by faith and guided by hope.

 "Hope" and the DSC Shield – A central theme of our gathering, aligning with Pope Francis’ Year of Hope. The unique integration of the Dominican Shield within the word "Hope" reflects our deep roots in the Order of Preachers and our ongoing commitment to bringing truth to the world.

 "For times such as these." – This tagline acknowledges the urgency of our mission, calling us to respond to today’s challenges with hope, faith, and resilience.

 A Symbol of Our Journey – As DSC elected leaders come together in 2025, this logo serves as a visual representation of our shared purpose—to illuminate the path of hope, strengthen our communities, and continue preaching truth where it is most needed.

Caldwell Dominican Ministries in Action: Service, Diversity, and Social Justice

The Sisters of Saint Dominic of Caldwell’s sponsored ministries have been busy creating meaningful change in our world. At Lacordaire Academy, high school seniors recently spent time in New Orleans volunteering with Common Ground Relief, a nonprofit founded in response to Hurricane Katrina. Student engaged in environmental and community service projects as part of the academy’s Project Justice curriculum “designed to address contemporary national issues through education and action.” Mount Saint Dominic Academy, for a second consecutive year, was recently honored with the 2024 AP Computer Science Female Diversity Award. This award recognizes “high female representation in AP Computer Science Principles (CSP)” and “reflects [the Mount’s] commitment to fostering an inclusive environment where young women can thrive in STEM fields.” Caldwell University also has been in the news for its “record attendance, award-winning speakers, and inspired discussions” at the 2025 Social Justice Symposium. With the theme, “Be the Change,” this year’s sessions “focused on intersectionality, discerning misinformation from reputable information, skills to address bias and microaggressions in K-12 and college classrooms, and social justice education such as anti-racism, health disparity, climate change, antisemitism, and LGBTQ advocacy.” The Sisters of Saint Dominic of Caldwell, including members of their Universe and Creation Committee and their Commission on Global Issues, presented a program entitled "Environmental Injustice: Who Pays the Price?" which described how food, immigration, indigenous people, and the economy are connected to environmental injustice. Pictured are presenters with students from Mount Saint Dominic Academy.

Celebrating Catholic Sisters Week

This week, we joyfully celebrate Catholic Sisters Week, recognizing the dedication, service, and faith-filled witness of women religious across our communities. Your unwavering commitment to justice, compassion, and the Gospel message continues to inspire and transform lives.

We invite you to take a moment to celebrate and reflect on the profound impact of Catholic Sisters everywhere. Please check out the Facebook pages of our member congregations to see how they have been celebrating this special week!

As we honor this occasion, we also share a beautiful prayer from the Dominican Sisters of Racine below. May it be a source of reflection and inspiration for us all.

With deep gratitude for all that you do,

Help Shape the Future of the DSC Website!

Help Shape the Future of the DSC Website!

Exciting changes are coming to the DSC and Domlife Websites, and we want your input! As we embark on a website redesign, we are inviting sisters, associates, and friends of the DSC to take part in a brief survey to help us create a site that best serves our community.

Your feedback is invaluable in ensuring the website is user-friendly, informative, and reflective of our shared mission. Whether you visit the site for news, resources, or connection, we want to hear what works well and what can be improved.

Take the survey today and be a part of shaping the future of our online presence! 

Thank you for your time and insights—we appreciate your participation!



Vote for your Favorite Dominicans!
Dominican Sisters of Hope Launch Dominican Madness

Throughout Lent, the Dominican Sisters of Hope are deepening our knowledge about the Dominican Family, and inviting others to join us, with a public contest called Dominican Madness. Using the bracket framework of March Madness, we share stories, photos, and biographical info everyday about a member of the Dominican family. The public is then invited to vote on their favorites, with the goal of “crowning” a winner during Holy Week.

Although the voting is lighthearted, our hope is that, as we learn about these holy humans, we will grow in holiness and replicate their deep faith during this Lenten season.

The bracket was devised from input from sisters, associates, and staff. The 32 members of the Dominican Family listed range from saints to laypeople. The information and opportunities to vote are available on our Facebook page and on our website.

According to Leeanna Varga, Executive Director for Mission, reading about these Dominicans’ lives “makes you realize they were real people.”

“They did extraordinary things for God, but they were also flawed,” Varga said. “They fought in wars, lived through plagues, were attacked for their beliefs, messed up, changed course, challenged authority, did their best to help. It’s inspiring to see how these holy humans dealt with real life challenges while we face our own today.”

May we face today’s challenges with a fraction of their courage and rich faith.

Join us in learning and voting here, and please share widely!

Weber Retreat Center
for a full listing of listing of retreats and events.

Holy Week Retreat: Praying the Passion

through the Eyes and Heart of Mary

Journey through the sacred days of Holy Week and experience the passion and death of Jesus through his mother. Holy Week Retreat: Praying the Passion begins at 6:30 p.m. Sunday, April 13, 2025, and concludes at 10:15 a.m. Thursday, April 17, 2025, at Weber Retreat and Conference Center. The retreat is facilitated by Sister Patricia Harvat, OP. A Dominican Sister of Adrian, she has served in a variety of ministries: engaging in pastoral work in Puerto Rico, directing the Congregation’s ministry program in the Dominican Republic; and serving as Director of Formation for the Congregation.

The cost is $180 for commuters, $325 per person double occupancy, and $425 single occupancy. Registration is required. Visit and click on “programs,” call 517-266-4000, or email Limited scholarships are available.

Creative Writers Invited to Hybrid Writing Workshop

Beginning and experienced creative writers are invited to a hybrid writing workshop from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Saturday, April 12, 2025, at Weber Retreat and Conference Center or via Zoom. In the Northern Hemisphere, this time of year can feel like Christmas in the anticipation of spring and the wonder of which flowers will begin to blossom first as the days warm. Nature’s anticipation mirrors ours as we imagine how our lives will unfold. Come spend this time with other writers: writing, reading, and giving feedback to other writers about the strengths we notice in their work.

The workshop is facilitated by Sister Tarianne DeYonker, OP, a certified Amherst Writers and Artists Facilitator. The cost is $35. A Zoom link will be sent closer to the workshop event for those who plan to attend virtually.

Registration is required. Visit and click on “programs,” call 517-266-4000, or email Limited scholarships are available.

Dominican Center Marywood 
for a full listing of retreats and events. 


Letting Images Deepen Our Lent Experience (In-Person)

Sunday, Mar 16 • 2:00 – 4:00 pm

God has always been using the visual world to commune with us. The natural world mediates the Spirit of God, and visual art can reach us where words fall short. It is one of the great gifts of art to assist us in knowing the depths of ourselves and discover the Divine there. In this short retreat we will interact with God through images in a number of ways, letting their content, colors, motion and lighting speak to our souls. As we do so, we will come to see how we are revealing the image of God within us. Come join us for a Lenten contemplative space to let images deepen our experience of the Divine. For more information call 616-514-3325 or visit Dominican Center Marywood, a ministry of the Dominican Sisters ~ Grand Rapids, is located in West Michigan off Fulton Street East, on the campus of Aquinas College.

Details & Registration:


Compassionate Goodbyes ~ A Lenten Loss Program (In-Person)

Thursday, Apr 3 • 6:30 – 8:00 pm

GRAND RAPIDS, MI --  Jesus embodies for us the pattern of life, death, and resurrection. Like Jesus, we are constantly saying hello and goodbye in our lives. During Lent, we join Jesus as he approaches death and so we can also have Jesus with us as we face our losses and death. This program is an opportunity to focus on the variety of the painful goodbyes we experience. Grief meets us in the death of a loved one, loss of a relationship, unmet longing for a child, mourning of a career setback, unexpected health issue, or loss of a dream. These losses can make us feel like God abandoned us. We can start to wonder if there is something wrong with us. We want to provide an antidote to these two common pitfalls. Join us for an evening of storytelling, reflection, and prayer to make space for the goodbyes in our lives. The goal of our night together is to encounter the tenderness of a loving God, extend compassion toward ourselves, and remember that we are never alone. For more information call 616-514-3325 or visit Dominican Center Marywood, a ministry of the Dominican Sisters ~ Grand Rapids, is located in West Michigan off Fulton Street East, on the campus of Aquinas College.

Details & Registration:



The Holy Landscape of Lent Through Poetry (In-Person)

Sunday, Apr 6 • 2:00 – 4:00 pm

GRAND RAPIDS, MI --  Come, enter the holy landscape Lent offers us in the words of various poets, and discover the depths this sacred season offers. Allow poetry to open your heart to the presence of the Holy, and meet the One who inhabits every layer of our lives. Let the beauty of words nourish and restore your soul as we spend some Sabbath hours together. Please feel free to bring a favorite Lenten poem of your own to share. For more information call 616-514-3325 or visit Dominican Center Marywood, a ministry of the Dominican Sisters ~ Grand Rapids, is located in West Michigan off Fulton Street East, on the campus of Aquinas College.

Details & Registration:



How Can AI Support Spiritual Formation? (In-Person)

Wednesday, Apr 9 • 6:30 – 8:30 pm

GRAND RAPIDS, MI --  What are the implications of artificial intelligence (AI) for our spiritual lives? Can AI be used ethically in the spiritual sphere of life? What are the social and ethical issues we should be aware of? Will frequent interactions with nonhuman “bots” make us less human ourselves? In this single-session meeting, we’ll talk about AI and its implications for Christians. Then we’ll talk more specifically about AI and spiritual formation—the dangers, the limitations, and the areas where there may be legitimate uses or even benefits. We’ll have a period of centering prayer and then use an AI-powered interactive journal to reflect on the session. Bring your charged laptop or device to try it yourself or just watch and listen as the tool is demonstrated. For more information call 616-514-3325 or visit Dominican Center Marywood, a ministry of the Dominican Sisters ~ Grand Rapids, is located in West Michigan off Fulton Street East, on the campus of Aquinas College.

Details & Registration:



Spiritual Directors’ Annual Retreat: Deepening Our Call ~ “Prayer, Intimacy & True Christian Growth” (In-Person)

Saturday, Apr 12 • 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

GRAND RAPIDS, MI --  Sr. Janice Bachman will lead us through this in-person retreat day that provides space for active spiritual directors to reflect on their own experience of prayer and on ways they can encourage those whom they accompany to deepen their experience of God. From the kernel of who God is for you, we will explore prayer as relating, and develop awareness of the signs of true Christian growth in ourselves and in our directees. The vocation of spiritual directors calls us to an ongoing prayer life. And, spiritual directors can be of significant help to pray-ers as they break out of rigid concepts of prayer which in turn can help break out of a rigid, limited relationship with God. Different ways of discovering God as well as distractions in prayer will be addressed so we can support intimacy and authentic Christ-centered development. For more information call 616-514-3325 or visit Dominican Center Marywood, a ministry of the Dominican Sisters ~ Grand Rapids, is located in West Michigan off Fulton Street East, on the campus of Aquinas College.

Details & Registration:



Siena Retreat Center 
for a full listing of listing of retreats and events. 


Cosmic Spirituality in an Expanding Universe with Brian Swimme

Saturday, March 29
2pm – 3:30pm
Cost: $25
Facilitator: Dr. Brian Swimme
This is a virtual retreat offered via Zoom. A basic familiarity with Zoom is expected of participants.
The great discovery of four centuries of modern science is the cosmic creativity that constructed two trillion galaxies out of the primordial elementary particles that emerged fourteen billion years ago.  The great challenge of the present moment is to articulate the ways in which this new cosmology resonates with the essential core of our wisdom traditions.  We are more than Democrats and Republicans, more than Americans and Chinese, more than Christians and Muslims.  We are all cosmological beings with a destiny that is tied to this cosmic creativity. This Zoom event is offered in collaboration with The Well Spirituality Center which is celebrating its 25th anniversary.

The Center at Mariandale
for a full listing of listing of retreats and events. 

Pilgrims of Hope in a Post-Synodal Church
Sister Maureen Sullivan, OP and Massimo Faggioli
April 2 from 7-8:30pm ET Zoom only
Pope Francis has designated 2025 as a Jubilee year and invited followers to renew themselves as "pilgrims of hope." What does it mean to be a pilgrim of hope? And how does this jubilee theme connect to a church that has just completed its Synod? How might Catholics embrace the themes and direction of the Synod as "pilgrims of hope?"
The Roman Catholic Church has engaged in a three-year process of listening and dialogue, "The Synod on the Synodality," which concluded in October 2024. This historic time for Catholicism raises important questions about the future direction of the church. Synodality implies a commitment to dialogue and an openness to voices that have been marginalized. Where is the Church now in the Synod process? What has been the impact so far? Where does the Church seem to be moving in the aftermath of the Synod and now in this jubilee year?
Renowned church historian, Dr. Massimo Faggioli, and Vatican II scholar, Dr. Maureen Sullivan, OP, will address these questions in a 90-minute on-line presentation, Wednesday, April 2, 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm. Join the Center at Mariandale and the Dominican Sisters of Hope to explore these questions, dialogue with people of faith, and consider new insights.

Weekend Retreat: Experiments in Memoir Writing Retreat Weekend
Led by Lorraine Ash
Friday, March 28, at 5pm through Sunday, March 30, 2025 until 1pmFee: $295
(All Inclusive)
Most of us follow the time-tested Aristotelian three-act structure when we write our memoirs. But that mold is giving way to unconventional story-shaping techniques. You'll learn to think about narrative in new ways. Perhaps you could write your memoir through an interior dialogue, via letters, or even in reverse. Maybe you could even link two stories. Come ready to write.

Triduum Holy Week Retreat
Join us at Mariandale for a time of devotion to the Passion of Jesus Christ this Holy Week!
Thursday, April 17, at 4pm thru Sunday, April 20, at 9am (Easter) after breakfast.
Presenters: Francis Gargani, CSsR, with guest homilists, dancers, and more...Fee: $395 (includes accommodations, meals, and materials for 3 days)
We invite you to  The Center at Mariandale to experience the fullness of  Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and the  Easter Vigil during Holy Week. The  Triduum is a time to immerse yourself in the true meaning of Easter, all as one rich and meaningful movement of transformation, from death through resurrection.
The first gathering will be at 5pm with dinner at 6pm followed by our  Holy Thursday Celebration: Liturgy of the Lord's Supper. On  Good Friday, you may "walk" the Stations of the Cross with us and in the afternoon attend the  Celebration of the Passion. On Saturday evening, experience the  Easter Vigil as we move from darkness into light. The  Triduum will conclude with breakfast on Easter Sunday.
Sign-up sheets will be available for our guests who wish to participate more actively in the services and celebrations (participation is optional).
The  Triduum weekend is all inclusive, providing a private guest room for 3 nights, and all meals and activities beginning with Thursday dinner and ends with Sunday breakfast.
Triduum Schedule:
  • Holy Thursday Gathering and Supper, 5pm
  • Holy Thursday Liturgy, 7:30pm
  • Good Friday: Stations of the Cross, 3pm
  • Saturday Easter Vigil, 7pm

St. Catherine of Siena Environmental Summit 2025:Embodying Land Justice: Local Roots, Planetary SolidaritySaturday, April 26, 20259:30AM - 4:00PM EDT
In-person and Virtual
This daylong conference aims to open a space for students, faculty, and staff of a number of higher education institutions, as well as interested people, to creatively grapple with the critical issue of land justice. We will consider how resources within the Catholic tradition, such as Catholic Social Teaching, can enter into dialogue with insights beyond the Catholic tradition, such as indigenous wisdom, in informing a collective "clarification of thought" regarding the issue of land justice. We will reflect on concrete ways that we might embody these clarified commitments in our daily lives, at our universities, and in our communities.
In our age of ecological catastrophe and profound social injustice, we are called to reflect upon the possibility of collectively inhabiting the land in just and sustainable ways. Our status quo is all too often shaped by ideologies which reduce the land to a resource to be exploited, leading many of us to lose touch with our connection to the earth. Simultaneously, historically unjust systems–from systemic racism, to colonialism, to militarism–have warped the land into a site of violence and displacement. Inspired by the work of Pope Francis and the broader tradition of Catholic Social Teaching, as well as the pioneering work of grass roots partners such as Land Justice Futures (, this conference invites its participants to reflect on the possibility of reclaiming our rootedness in the land while resisting the unjust systems that weigh so heavily on human beings and the earth.

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