DomLife newsletter. A web crossroads for the Order of Preachers.
no. 433
January 17, 2025

Happy New Year from the Dominican Sisters Conference!

As we step into 2025, we embrace the gift of hope, inspired by Pope Francis and his declaration of this  Year of Hope. In his message, Pope Francis reminds us,  "Hope is the virtue that places us on the road, gives us wings to move forward, even when obstacles seem insurmountable."

This year, we want to renew our call of being Preachers of Hope - For Times Such as These. As Dominicans, we are called to bring the light of Christ to a world often shadowed by uncertainty and despair. Hope empowers us to speak truth, act with compassion, and work tirelessly for justice and peace.

At this moment, we hold in prayer all those impacted by the devastating wildfires in California. We stand in solidarity with the individuals, families, and communities enduring great loss and uncertainty, and we lift them up with the hope of recovery, resilience, and renewal.

We look forward to sharing updates, reflections, and opportunities to join us in this journey of hope. Together, we can embody the Gospel and inspire the world with the promise of renewal and transformation.

May this New Year be filled with blessings, joy, and the hope that sustains and unites us all.

With love and hope,
The Dominican Sisters Conference

On behalf of the cohort of Dominican Sisters under age 70, we wish you a New Year filled with God’s gentle guidance toward new beginnings, fresh opportunities, and meaningful discoveries.

As we step into 2025, the Futuring Leadership Team (FLT) is focusing on developing a set of goals to guide both our team and the wider cohort. We humbly ask for your prayers as we seek wisdom, clarity, and joy for the journey ahead.

We also hold in prayer all those impacted by natural and human-made disasters around the world, lifting them up with hope and compassion during these challenging times.


Wishing you blessings and grace in the year to come!
Futuring Leadership Team (FLT)


Image and article shared by the Dominican Sisters of Springfield, Illinois.


Every January for the last four years the Dominican Sisters of Springfield have made a fresh commitment to care for Earth. Not a New Year’s Resolution, exactly, but the plans do serve to refocus the sisters and their associates on the global Church’s commitment to care for Earth by making a path toward a healthier Earth and a healthier Earth community.

This year’s plan calls on the sisters and their associates to reduce single-use plastic waste and advocate for local, state, national, and global policies that reduce plastic pollution.


In 2015 when Pope Francis published  Laudato Si’, On Care for Our Common Home he recognized the need to respond to the challenge of climate change as integral to the needs of Earth and Earth’s inhabitants. “We have to realize that a true ecological approach always becomes a social approach,” he wrote. “it must integrate questions of justice in debates on the environment, so as to hear  both the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor.” (LS49)

Celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day
"We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope."

Join us in honoring the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. by reflecting on his powerful teachings and vision for justice, peace, and hope. We invite you to:

  • Explore a Reflection: Based on Dr. King’s reflections on  Amos 5:24 (“Let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream”) and  Micah 6:8 (“What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with your God”), this reflection invites us to deepen our commitment to justice and mercy. Click here to read the reflection

  • Participate in the LCWR Zoom Prayer: Throughout the day, women religious and others are invited to a virtual prayer experience created by LCWR. This meaningful gathering will center on the transformative words of Dr. King and offer a space for collective prayer and reflection. Please invite your congregational members, partners in mission, associates, and members of the wider community to gather in prayer and share the link below with them:



    Monday, January 20 

    6:00 AM ET until 9:00 PM ET

    No registration required.


Let us come together in faith and action to honor Dr. King’s call to build a more just and compassionate world.

Dominican Center Marywood 
for a full listing of retreats and events. 

Tending the Call for Practicing Spiritual Directors (Online)

Wednesdays: Feb 5, Feb 19, Mar 5, Mar 19, Apr 2, Apr 16 • 6:30 – 8:00 pm

Tending the Call is our online monthly gathering of Spiritual Directors to study, pray, and share together as we read contemplatively a book together each fall and spring. This spring we will read and unpack Henri Nouwen’s  Spiritual Formation: Following the Movements of the Spirit. We will take a deeper look at what Nouwen described as the condition of the human experience and guide us through looking at  Early Movements, Mid-Life Movements and Mature Movements of the spirit. Our study together will “trace the inner movement and polarities of the heart in motion”. Come to share, study, and pray with a sacred community of practicing Spiritual Directors. Be refreshed in this community as we seek a deepening relationship with God and are reminded of the sacred journey of transformation that called each one of us into this ministry. 

Details & Registration:



Soul Collage® ~ Winter Wonderings (In-Person)

Saturday, February 8 • 10:00 am – 12:30 pm

We stand in the middle of winter, where the pace can slow, where we can gift ourselves space for rest and reflection. It is a perfect time to look back at our new year’s intentions and check in with how we are doing. Mid-winter allows us time to challenge ourselves with what needs to change, so when spring arrives, we are ready to plant something new. SoulCollage® gives us a creative way to visualize our lives as we create collage cards. It is an experiential process that takes our longings and wonderings into conversation with God and our lives, often illuminating something that our soul needs to see in this moment. No art experience is required and all materials are provided. All you need is the desire to connect to your soul and to listen in deep ways. Ruth Zwald, a SoulCollage® Facilitator, will teach the basics of SoulCollage® as she gently guides you into listening to your own soul. Details & Registration:



Dreams and the Spiritual Life (In-Person)

Friday, Feb 21 • 6:00 – 8:30 pm & Saturday, February 22 • 5:00 – 8:00 pm

Join this exploration and develop an understanding for working with dreams, your own, but also as a listener to dreams of others. We will discuss and define what dreams are, but more importantly we will experience the potent ways they can shape our spiritual lives. Many spiritual traditions place great value on dreams. The Biblical tradition, for example, is filled with dreams and dreamers. The saints and mystics from many traditions report dreams and visions that in turn shaped the contemplative and spiritual traditions. In the modern world, we have lost this way of listening deeply to the Soul, to the Divine, and we often resist the hidden chambers that dreams reveal. Dreams are often filled with images and scenes which are not really within the realm of our ego’s control, our egoic plans, or even what we think is really going on. They speak from the side if we know how to listen. This is a great opportunity for Spiritual Directors, Pastoral Care and Health Care professionals who come alongside others to listen and support their spiritual journeys. 

Details & Registration:

Siena Retreat Center 
for a full listing of listing of retreats and events. 


Move Over, St. Patrick: St. Brigid’s in the House!

Saturday, February 1st, 2025 9am - 4pm
Cost: $80, includes lunch

Who is this woman who has a bank holiday in Ireland, a mural in Kildare, Ireland, and pilgrims flocking to connect with her? During this day of reflection, we will explore Brigid’s example of caring for earth, promoting peace, showing compassion and justice, demonstrating hospitality, and engaging in contemplation. We will reflect on what Brigid has to say to us today. The day will include facilitator reflections, contemplative practices, time for self-reflection, and small and large group discussion.Facilitated by Bridget Purdome, a Spiritual Director, Retreat Leader, Life Coach and Educator who is sensitive to the movement of the Spirit in the very ordinary experiences of daily life. For over ten years, Bridget ministered to those experiencing homelessness, HIV/AIDS, substance addictions and other mental illnesses.


Pope Francis’s Call for the Transformation of Human Society

Wednesday, February 5th, 2025 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Cost: $20

The message of Pope Francis’s groundbreaking 2015 encyclical Laudato Si’ continues to reverberate among environmental, racial, and economic justice leaders today. This seminar will focus on the spiritual underpinnings of the Pope’s universal message on the urgency to “care for our common home” and how his call for nothing less than the transformation of human society implicates urgent issues beyond environmentalism, including immigration, technology, consumerism, and the economics of what the Pope calls the “throwaway culture.”Facilitated by Tim Hall, the Promoter of Justice, Peace and Care of Creation for the Dominican Sisters of Racine, Wisconsin.


Society/Perspectives and Projections with John Nichols

Thursday, February 6th, 2025 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Cost: $20

Journalist and commentator John Nichols will offer well-researched perspectives and sage analysis of current events and the economic and socio-political landscape of our day. John’s professional background as a journalist and historian makes his commentaries and presentations particularly insightful. His way of pinpointing issues and belief in the power of people is inspiring.Facilitator: John Nichols is a nationally know journalist and political correspondent for The Nation magazine, and associate editor of The Capital Times.


The Center at Mariandale
for a full listing of listing of retreats and events. 


Exploring Intersections of BIPOC Spirituality: Healing Resistance: Transforming Harm into Harmony 2025 (Adults Under 45 Series)
Led by Dana Livingston, Laura Fairchild

Friday, Jan. 31 to Sunday, Feb. 2, 2025

Spirituality, and how one even defines that word, is deeply influenced by one's life experiences through the lens of identity. Join us for a weekend of discovery and healing as we work through the intersections of our own identities, traumas, and experiences to find our spirituality and inner healing. More:


Nuns & Nones Winter Retreat 2025
Friday, Feb. 7 to Sunday, Feb. 9, 2025

Come to a weekend-long Nuns & Nones gathering. From Friday evening through Sunday noon, we'll share in community and dialogue along with ample time for rest, contemplation, and walks in nature. The weekend will include quiet, reflective time, discussions in pairs, and group conversation. More:


Weekend Retreat: Combining Lamentation to Action and Dreams & Mystical Experiences

Led by Don Bisson, FMS
Friday, February 21 to Sunday, Feb. 23, 2025

Join us for a weekend retreat at Mariandale includes three consecutive workshops:

  • Friday:  Lamentation to Action, a four-pronged process to activate our desire to do something positive in the face of collective darkness.
  • Saturday:  Dreams & Mystical Experiences: Signs of the Eternal, dreams and inner language from the inner world initiate us to the reality of the afterlife. 
  • Sunday morning will be an integration time from the two workshops putting together our call in the now and the transition into Eternity.

Attend any of the workshops, or stay through the weekend to attend all three programs


Guided Silent Weekend Retreat: Ignatian Contemplation and Our Interior Life
Led by Fr. Jeff Putthoff, SJ
Friday, Feb. 28 to Sunday, March 2, 2025

Join us at Mariandale for a silent weekend retreat during Lent this year! Father Jeff will lead us utilizing Ignatian spirituality and contemplation, imaginative prayer, and the senses, to engage in a conversation with God.

Weber Retreat Center
for a full listing of listing of retreats and events.

Workshop Explores Lifes Inteerruptions

Do you ever feel as though life is more about interruptions than what you have planned to do? In Life’s Interruptions: Frustrating Disturbances or Holy Gifts?, Sister Janet Schaeffler, OP, explores how we, as disciples of Jesus and ministerial leaders, live in and with the interruptions, large and small, in our lives. The workshop is from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Saturday, February 22, 2025, at Weber Retreat and Conference Center.


Sister Janet, former Director of Adult Faith Formation for the Archdiocese of Detroit, leads days of reflection and retreats, parish missions, and workshops. In addition, she facilitates online courses and has written many books and hundreds of articles.


The $45 cost includes lunch. Registration is required. Visit

 and click on “programs,” call 517-266-4000, or email Limited scholarships are available.


Hybrid Writing Workshop Focuses on Natures Teaching about Relationship

Beginning and experienced writers are invited to take time out for writing with others, reading what is written, and learning the strengths that naturally show through our words. 


Trees Get Along in a Forest, a hybrid writing workshop, is from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Saturday, February 22, 2025, at Weber Retreat and Conference Center or through Zoom.


Sister Tarianne DeYonker, OP, a certified Amherst Writers and Artists facilitator, leads the workshop, which focuses on how we can learn about relationships through nature.


The cost is $35. A Zoom link for virtual participants will be sent closer to the time of the workshop. Registration is required. Visit and click on “programs,” call 517-266-4000, or email Limited scholarships are available.

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