Celebrating Half a Century of Hope: DSC Joins CODALC's 50th Anniversary in Mexico |
From November 15-20, 2024, the Dominican Conference of Latin America and the Caribbean (CODALC) marked a significant milestone—its 50th Anniversary. The theme of the celebration, “Half a Century Sowing Hope,” reflected the enduring impact and mission of the conference. The event brought together Dominican Sisters and associates from across the region, offering a unique opportunity to reflect on the past and look toward the future.
Earlier in the year, Sister Izide Vecchi, OP, the coordinator of CODALC from Brazil, extended an invitation to the Dominican Sisters Conference (DSC) to join in the 50th-anniversary celebrations in Mexico. This invitation was particularly meaningful, as it gave DSC a chance to reconnect with CODALC, an organization with which we share a rich history. Our Executive Director, Sr. Xiomara Méndez Hernández, OP, was honored to represent the DSC at this historic event.
Justice Promoters’ Pre-Celebration Gathering
Before the anniversary celebration officially began, from November 14-18, a group of Justice Promoters from Latin America and the Caribbean gathered for a series of critical discussions. These sessions focused on two central themes: the effects of climate change and violence in all its forms. The group’s conversations centered on how best to respond to the environmental crisis, with a particular emphasis on mitigating climate change and defending our common home. There were also deep reflections on the ongoing violence that plagues the region, including its effects on marginalized communities.
Each day, the group committed to addressing the topics discussed through their shared Dominican values of justice and care for creation. Sr. Xiomara joined the group on November 18, and she was immediately struck by the energy and Dominican joy that filled the space. She was also deeply inspired by the commitment of the sisters and promoters to the poor, the marginalized, those trafficked, and the urgent call to care for creation.
A Time for Prayer and Reflection
Throughout the gathering, participants experienced powerful and diverse prayer experiences. Many of these prayers were focused on lamenting the countless victims of human trafficking, organized crime in Chiapas, feminicides, narcotrafficking, and the displacement of people. Special prayers were offered for those suffering from hunger, political oppression, and senseless violence. The collective mourning also extended to the perpetrators and the systems that enable these injustices to continue.
Honoring CODALC’s History
On November 19, the event turned to the historical legacy of CODALC. Participants learned about CODALC’s significant role in 1995, when it traveled to Rome with a proposal to establish the Dominican Sisters International, now known as DSIC. The conference also highlighted the shared organizational experiences between CODALC and DSC. Many of our own sisters, such as Luisa Campos (Adrian) and Susan Lesley (Peace), served as Justice Promoters in Latin America and the Caribbean, shaping the direction of both organizations.
The day culminated in a special Mass at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe, presided over by Fr. Luis Javier Rubio Guerrero, OP, Dominican Provincial Prior in Mexico. This Mass was a poignant reminder of the Dominican family’s deep commitment to faith, justice, and solidarity.
A Closing Celebration of Unity and Gratitude
The event concluded on November 20 with a tour of Mexico City, followed by a closing ritual filled with thanksgiving. Participants enjoyed a delicious Mexican banquet and a live Mariachi performance, celebrating the joy of community and shared mission. Sr. Xiomara expressed profound gratitude for the opportunity to represent DSC and strengthen relationships of support and collaboration with other Dominican groups across the region.
In the end, Sr. Xiomara left Mexico deeply inspired by the shared commitment to justice, peace, and solidarity, and with a renewed sense of hope for the future. As we move forward, the 50th anniversary of CODALC serves as a powerful reminder of our collective mission to sow hope in the world, rooted in Dominican values of compassion, justice, and care for creation.
Sister Spotlight
Sister Ave Clark
Amityville Dominican Sisters |
Sr. Ave Clark Featured in "Christopher Closeup" Podcast
As a child, Amityville Dominican Sister Ave Clark decided that she either wanted to be a Rockette or a nun. Her mother responded that she should pursue her performing dreams first, then become a nun 10 years later. The young Clark mulled it over and ultimately decided, “I’m not going to be a Rockette. I’m going to be a nun who dances a lot.”
Having recently celebrated her 62st anniversary as a Dominican Sister, Sister Ave still enjoys kicking up her heels – though not quite as high as in her younger days. But her true specialty is helping the spirits of downtrodden people to dance again by showing them grace, mercy, and compassion. She shares some of her wisdom in the recent books “Joy is Blooming” and “Alleluia: A Grace to Hold Life’s Interruptions”. These books were discussed recently on the Podcast “Christopher Closeup”. Click here for the link to the blog and scroll down for the podcast.
2024 Month Of Peace: Haiti |
2024 Month of Peace: Haiti Materials on DSC Website Now! |
Explore the 2024 Month of Peace Materials on the DSC Website!
🌟 Dive into this year’s Month of Peace with resources now available for Weeks 1-4 on the DSC website!
📹 Featured Video:
Haiti Welcomes Much-Needed Dominican Peace Month (
Mes Dominicano de la Paz/Mois de la Paix)
📝 Insightful Article:
Internally Displaced Persons in the Metropolitan Area of Port-au-Prince, Haiti
– Report by Brother Ignace BERTHOT, OP, Justice and Peace Promoter of the Province of Toulouse
Stay informed, inspired, and engaged as we work together for justice and peace.
👉 View the materials now: CLICK HERE TO ACCESS MATERIALS
13 Adrian Dominican Sisters and Co-Workers Advocate for
Drive SAFE Legislation |
November 19, 2024, Lansing, Michigan – Thirteen Adrian Dominican Sisters and Co-workers were among more than 180 advocates at Michigan’s State Capitol on November 12, 2024, calling for the passage of a set of bills that would restore the right of all Michigan residents – including undocumented immigrants – to apply for a driver’s license.
The Drive SAFE (Safety, Access, Freedom, and Economy) bill package would make non-commercial Michigan driver’s licenses and state identification cards available to applicants who do not have proof of U.S. citizenship or immigration status. The legislation also provides that all drivers be trained, screened and tested, and required to carry auto insurance, enhancing the safety of Michigan roads. The involved bills include Senate Bills 265, 266, and 267, and House Bills 4410, 4411, and 4412.
The bills have the support of communities of Catholic Sisters in Michigan. “As women of faith we support this legislation because it honors the inherent dignity of all persons and supports the safety and welfare of all Michigan residents,” the Sisters said in a joint statement issued on the day of the advocacy. They added that having driver’s licenses and state IDs gives residents the ability to care for their families and get to and from work or school without fear of being arrested, detained, and deported.
Seasonal Gratitude and Advent Blessing
Reminder Advent Contemplation |
Follow the DSC on Social Media on 2025! |
Dominican Center Marywood
Visit https://www.grdominicans.org/transformative-programs-retreats/ for a full listing of retreats and events.
Pondering Advent Through Poetry (In-Person)
Sunday, Dec 8 • 2:00 – 4:00 pm
Advent is a time to reconnect with the ancient longing for God to arrive, move among us, and restore all that’s lost or broken in our world. Let’s ponder what it means to open our hearts to God and to each other during the joyous season of the Incarnation. Come and savor poetry arising from the celebration of Advent, listening to well-known poets – and some you may not know. We’ll hear from Christina Rossetti, Wendell Berry, Mary Oliver, Denise Levertov, T. S. Eliot, Marie Howe, and more. Feel free to bring a favorite Christmas poem you treasure and share it with us during an open reading time. Leave the busyness of the season and join us for a special afternoon! For more information call 616-514-3325 or visit dominicancenter.com. Dominican Center Marywood, a ministry of the Dominican Sisters ~ Grand Rapids, is located in West Michigan off Fulton Street East, on the campus of Aquinas College. Details & Registration: https://www.grdominicans.org/program-retreat/pondering-advent-through-poetry/
Blue Christmas ~ A Sacred Space for the Burdened (In-Person)
Sunday, Dec 15 • 4:00 – 5:30 pm
The Christmas story reverberates with difficult realities–poverty, grief, danger, oppression, separation, and death–but we often don’t make room to acknowledge these. It is the same in our lives: we need to make room for the painful realities amidst and underlying the joys. We invite you to come and lay your burdens down in the sacred space of the Blue Christmas service where we find Jesus in our suffering and ourselves in Jesus. We will be gathering contemplatively around a liturgy of Scripture and song, in Taizéì style, that gathers our sorrows and lifts them to God. It is our hope that you will experience the welcome of your reality, however painful it is, in the presence of God, who suffered and suffers with us. This is a Christmas service where your depression, grief, anger, and faintheartedness is welcomed. You may discover yourself with Jesus in the thrum of melancholy that surrounds Jesus’ birth. You, too, can come to the manger, poor as you feel. For more information call 616-514-3325 or visit dominicancenter.com. Dominican Center Marywood, a ministry of the Dominican Sisters ~ Grand Rapids, is located in West Michigan off Fulton Street East, on the campus of Aquinas College.
Details & Registration: https://www.grdominicans.org/program-retreat/blue-christmas/
Advent O Antiphons (In-Person & Online)
Tuesday, Dec 17 – Monday, Dec 23 • 7:00 – 7:45 pm
The Dominican Sisters ~ Grand Rapids invite you for a unique, seven-night Advent experience of prayer and song to quiet your heart and nurture your spirit during this most holy season. Join us in-person or online for one night or all seven! Or mix it up and join us in-person for some, online for others. Whichever way you choose to join us, for however many nights you can, we are eager to share these beautiful and peace-filled moments of Advent with you. There is no cost to participate but registration is required.
Details & Registration: https://www.grdominicans.org/o-antiphons/
Siena Retreat Center
for a full listing of listing of retreats and events.
Centering Prayer (Recurring Virtual Retreat)
Thursdays, 7am – 8am CST
(except November 28, 2024, and December 26, 2024)
Cost: Free
Begin your Thursday by praying with others. Centering Prayer is a form of silent, contemplative prayer. Together we will experience 20 minutes of silent prayer, followed by 40 minutes of discussion on a reading that is sent in advance on spirituality or prayer. “We find that belonging to a supportive community with other ‘Centering Pray-ers’ encourages us in our daily efforts to be faithful to prayer and/or meditation,” a participant explains. Centering Prayer is held
via Zoom in order to include those from a distance.
The Wisdom and Witness of Howard Thurman
Wednesday January 15th, 22nd, and 29th, 2025
6:30pm – 8:00pm
Cost: $65, which includes registration for all three Wednesday events.
This is a virtual retreat conducted via Zoom.
Howard Thurman was an influential American author, Christian mystic, philosopher, theologian, pastor, educator, and civil rights activist. He co-founded the first major interracial, interdenominational church in the U.S. Thurman’s theology of radical nonviolence shaped a generation of civil rights activists, including Martin Luther King, Jr., and continues to inspire people to work for justice and to be grounded in contemplative practice.
This retreat is facilitated by Rev. Dr. Otis Moss III who is part of a new generation of ministers committed to preaching a prophetic message of love and justice, which he believes are inseparable companions that form the foundation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Writing Practices to Enliven Spiritual Journaling
Saturday, January 25th, 2025
9:30am – 2:30pm
Cost: $60, includes lunch
Many of us have spiritual journals to help us reflect on the movement of the Spirit in our lives. In this reflective and sharing time together, we will try out four unique ways we can occasionally vary our writing style to see something new. We will, as Parker Palmer says, “Let our souls speak.” Bring your journal and pen and we will try out what might enliven and deepen your spiritual journaling experiences in days to come.
This retreat is facilitated by Sinsinawa Dominican Sister Miriam Brown, OP.
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