DSC Announces the 2024 Elected Leaders Meeting Date, Location and Theme. |
This year the Annual Elected Leaders Meeting will be held in Columbus, Ohio, from October 8-11, with an invigorating theme titled "Preachers for times Such as These".
Preachers for Times Such as These
“If we are silent in times such as these, relief and deliverance for your people will arise from another source, but you, my sister, and the Dominican charism may not make it through the chaos. Could it be? Perhaps we (you) have become Dominican Preachers for times such as these.”
Esther 4:14.
A Dominican contemporary adaptation
It has been said that St. Dominic sent out his followers two by two; one to preach and another to pray that the preaching moved the hearts of the listeners, drawing them closer to Christ. As we come together as Dominican sisters seeking the Holy Spirit’s guidance to live God’s mission now and into the future, let us intentionally renew this tradition, companioning one another in this journey of challenge and grace. We are asking that all sisters and associates in each congregation, commit to a time of daily prayer asking for the grace to be open to the Spirit as we seek deeper collaboration among us to become authentic
Preachers in Times Such as These. In the near future, a Constant Contact will be sent from the DSC with an invitation to all sisters and associates to participate in this circle of shared prayer. This will be followed by occasional prayerful reminders. There will be no formal registration process for those who wish to participate, however congregational leaders and communicators are encouraged to make sure their member are informed of this effort to become companions in prayer as we walk this journey together.
When St. Dominic decided to send his friars out two-by-two to engage in the preaching ministry in the major university towns of Europe, his decision was questioned by many who felt it was a foolish thing to do. However, he is reported to have responded to this concern with these words: Hoarded, the seed rots; scattered, it bears much fruit.
From August 19-25, forty-eight of our younger Sisters, representing thirty countries from the five continental areas of DSIC, will gather in Caleruega, Spain – the birthplace of St. Dominic. A vision realized by the planning efforts of S. Margaret Mayce, DSIC International Coordinator and the DSIC Continental Coordinators. Sisters will listen to the wisdom of our speakers, Dominican Sisters Barbara Reid, Ana Francisca Vergara, and Sabine Schratz, who will invite them to open their eyes to read the signs of our times; to reflect on theology and contemplation at the service of our preaching as women; and to learn from the history of the development of Dominican Apostolic life for women. Ten U.S. based sisters recommended by the DSC Futuring Leadership Team and affirmed by their Prioresses will be participating are:
Kelly Biddle, Houston Dominicans,
Jane Marie Estoesta, Mission San Jose Dominicans
Katherine Frazier, Adrian Dominicans
Ana González, Dominicans of Peace,
Xiomara Méndez Hernández, Adrian Dominicans
Dulce Aquilar Rodríguez, Mission San Jose Dominicans
Jenn Schaaf, Blauvelt Dominicans
Mila Diáz Solano, Springfield Dominicans
Priscilla Torres, Sinsinawa Dominicans
Mary Voung, Dominicans of Peace
We know you will be holding these sisters and all who are supporting this Dominican immersion in your prayer for safe travels and a transformative spiritual experience.
Stay tuned for updates on this important gathering.
The Summit of the Future 2024
The Summit of the Future in September 2024 in New York will be an inter-governmentally
negotiated, action-oriented Pact for the Future. It will have chapters on sustainable development and financing for development. It will address international peace and security. It will also address science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation. The summit will also focus on youth and future generations as well as transforming global governance. The hope is that there will be a global digital compact and a declaration on future generations (Resolution 76/307). The summit will be co-facilitated by member states of Namibia and Germany (Pact), Zambia and Sweden (Digital), and Jamaica and the Netherlands (Future Generations): https://www.un.org/en/summit-of-the-future .
The Dominican Sisters International Justice Promoters are sponsoring a webinar October 30, entitled Dominican Sisters Reflect on SDGs 3, 13, 16. The webinar will feature several Dominicans and associates in multiple countries who are working with these three goals. Be on the lookout for more information in September. Meanwhile, please hold the date of October 30th at 8:00 am EST. The webinar will be in English with Spanish translation.
Adrian Dominican Sisters Receive Sister Jamie Caporizo into Novitiate
The Adrian Dominican Sisters formally received Sister Jamie Caporizo as a novice August 10, 2024, during a special ritual held in the context of Vespers, Evening Prayers.
Sister Jamie will begin the first of her two years as a novice later this August, when she travels to Chicago to participate in the Inter-Congregational Collaborative Novitiate (ICCN). During this year, Sister Jamie and novices from other congregations of Catholic Sisters will live in community and focus on the elements of religious life, such as prayer, theological study at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago, formal weekly meetings with other novices, and spiritual direction. Each novice will also learn about the spirituality of her own congregation.
“I’m grateful for all the opportunities for growth that I’ve been given this year,” Sister Jamie said. As a Candidate, she learned more about the Congregation through various experiences, including visiting ministries from Adrian and Flint, Michigan, to the Dominican Republic. “Each of our Sisters and our Associates has varied gifts and varied talents, and yet at the heart of it all was our mission,” she said.
Associates at Blauvelt, NY, Make their First Commitment During St. Dominic Celebration.
On Sunday, August 4th, the Sisters of St. Dominic of Blauvelt, NY, associates, and family celebrated the St. Dominic Feast Day Liturgy in the Chapel of the Most Holy Rosary, St. Dominic Convent. As part of this celebratory Liturgy, our four new associates, Felicia Gorham, Debra Jacques (via Zoom), Karen Schrage, and Joanne Sorace, made their first commitment. At the end of Mass, a special blessing was bestowed upon Dr. Manuel Martinez, Ph.D. and Sr. Jenn
Schaaf, OP, D.Min., as they embark on their new roles at Dominican University. Dr. Martinez joined Dominican University in July as its sixth President and first lay leader, and Sr. Jenn Schaaf will assume the position of Vice President for Mission and Ministry in September.
Zentangle Patterns of Pause ~ A Visual Prayer Practice to Cultivate Peace (In-Person) Saturday, Sept 7 • 10:00 am – 12:30 pm
In the fullness of everyday life, there is refreshment in pausing and noticing what scripture and creation can reveal to us. In this class, we’ll enjoy combining the Zentangle Method, watercolor, and pen to create a visual prayer inspired by a portion of Psalm 19. We’ll also explore how this visual prayer practice encourages us to cultivate gratitude, awareness, delight, peace, and faith.
Details & Registration: https://www.grdominicans.org/program-retreat/zentangle-1/
Tuesday Table Talk: “Centering Down” in an Uncertain World (In-Person)
Tuesday, Sept 10 • 6:00 – 8:30 pm
It’s a phrase we use or hear regularly – living in ‘unprecedented’ or ‘uncertain’ times – but how often do we pause to consider how living with and acting out of anxious uncertainty affects our relationships, our communities, and ourselves? When we react quickly and reflexively, when we are triggered and become defensive, when we act out of fear, we risk causing harm both to ourselves and our neighbors. Join us for dinner and a conversation on the spiritual toll and the tangible ramifications of existing in a constant state of ‘fight, flight, or freeze.
Details & Registration: https://www.grdominicans.org/program-retreat/table-talk-fall-2024/
Foundations in Spirituality (In-Person)
Saturdays: Sep 21, Oct 19, Nov 16, Dec 21, 2024; Jan 18, Feb 22, Mar 22, Apr 26, May 17, 2025 • 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
Foundations in Spirituality is a serious reflective study that opens our minds and hearts to the teachings and life examples of the great Christian spiritual teachers that continue to deepen our present spiritual journey. It’s the beginning, the first step of the formation offerings at Dominican Center Marywood at Aquinas College. Explore the rich preaching of St. Dominic; the unbreakable faith of St. Teresa of Avila; the deep spirituality of St. John of the Cross; the life-giving wisdom of the Beguines; the daily prayerful life of St. Ignatius; and the lives of many more who continue to enrich our own faith and spirituality. The course introduces the practice of contemplative prayer as grounding practice for living a richer spiritual life. Immerse yourself in Foundations in Spirituality and begin deepening your relationship with God through study, prayer, and community.
Details & Registration: https://dominicancenter.com/programs-and-retreats/foundations-in-spirituality/
Siena Retreat Center
for a full listing of listing of retreats and events.
The Great Re-imagining: Spirituality in an Age of Apocalypse
We have reached a transformative and revelatory moment in human history. Author and philosopher Theodore Richards will lead an in-person weekend retreat at Siena Retreat Center on September 20-21, 2024. The retreat material will include writings from the world’s wisdom traditions and contemporary science, as well as a process of shared inquiry into the contemporary political and cultural landscape. Cost is $225 and includes overnight accommodations and meals.
Spirituality Alive Series (Virtual Retreats via Zoom)
We live in times that challenge our hope and beg for our participation and contribution to the world’s unfolding. In these two nights of Zoom gatherings we will name how we are impacted by Life’s ever newness, and explore what our hearts can give. Please join to share your spiritual energy and insight in these evenings of reflection. Cost is $20 per session. Registration for both sessions is encouraged but not required.
Tuesday, September 24
, 2024: Mystical Attunement
At the same time that we are being buffeted by waves of complexity and challenge, we can feel the Spirit moving us to attune ourselves to the tenderness and blessing of Divine Mystery in which “we live and move and have our being.”
Details and Registration:
Tuesday, October 8
, 2024: We Give Ourselves to It
Together let us reflect on how we can give ourselves to our times. We are gifted with openness in faith and hope. Let us “count the ways” that we both give and receive this love and commitment, living the fullness of life.
Details and Registration:
Weber Retreat Center
for a full listing of listing of retreats and events.
Livestream Presentation Explores Consistent Ethic of Life
September 5, 2024
A Consistent Ethic of Life: Navigating CatholicEngagement with U.S. Politics is the subject of a livestream presentation by Steven P. Millies, Professor of Public Theology and Director of the Bernardin Center at Catholic Theological Union (CTU) in Chicago. The presentation is from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.Thursday, September 5, 2024, and is offered by Weber Retreat and Conference Center.
The consistent ethic of life is a fully Catholic engagement with the difficult challenges
that conscience encounters in our time. Professor Millies surveys the development of
this ethic from its beginnings and engages today’s political questions to help his
audience rediscover the consistent ethic now in this challenging, divided moment of our
history. Professor Millies studied political theory at The Catholic University of America in
Washington, D.C. He held the Strom Thurmond Endowed Chair in Political Science at
the University of South Carolina, Aiken. A Consistent Ethic of Life (Paulist Press) is his
third book.
The cost is $35 and registration is required to view the livestream. Visit
www.webercenter.org and click on “programs,” call 517-266-4000, or email
webercenter@adriandominicans.org . Limited scholarships are available.--
Closing Ritual for Current Location of INAI: A Space Apart
September 4, 2024
All are welcome to the closing ritual of the current location of INAI: A Space Apart, the Adrian Dominican Sisters’ art gallery and space for meditation and reading. The ritual begins at 2:00 p.m. Wednesday, September 4, 2024, in the Auditorium of Weber Retreat and Conference Center on the Adrian Dominican Sisters Motherhouse Campus.
INAI (Japanese for A Space Within) is undergoing a time of transition with the
repurposing of the facility where it is now located. The art gallery, with its reading room and meditation area, will move to the nearby Madden Hall building on the Motherhouse Campus. The opening dates of the new areas will be announced.
Weber Center is on the campus of the Adrian Dominican Sisters Motherhouse, Adrian, Michigan. Traveling east on Siena Heights Drive, pass the Adrian Rea Literacy Center and turn left just before the solar panel-covered carport. Follow the signs to Weber Center. For information, call the Weber Center at 517-266-4000.
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